Staffing Structure

Here is a list of our current staff structure and their roles and responsibilities:

SLT/Teaching Staff Role Other Responsibilities
Mr Blake Headteacher

Safeguarding & SCR
Pupil Outcomes
Pupil Premium
Assessment Data Analysis
Health and Safety


Mrs Watson


Deputy Headteacher

Teaching, Learning
ECT Induction Tutor - Co-ordinator
Y3/4 Phase Leader


Teaching Staff Role Other Responsibilities
Mr Leyland Year 6 Teacher


Miss Hanson (ECT) Year 6 Teacher  
Mr Fletcher Year 5 Teacher Educate and Celebrate
Miss Graver Year 3/4 Teacher  
Mrs Coates Year 3 Teacher

Miss Scott Year 3/4/5 Teacher PSCHE

Miss Dodds Year 2 Teacher Right Respecting
Mrs Sloanes Year 2 Teacher Rights Respecting
Miss Reay Year 1 Teacher Science
Forest School
Senior Mental Health Lead
Mrs Arnell Year 1 Teacher  
Miss Henry (ECT) Reception  
Miss McSkelly EYFS Leader
Reception Teacher
Early Years


Support Staff Role
Mrs S Cook HLTA
Mrs Foster HLTA
Miss Willis HLTA
Mrs Wylde HLTA
Mrs Lowery Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Digby Learning Support Assistant/SEMH Pupils
Mrs Campbell Learning Support Assistant /School Counsellor/SEMH pupils/Staff Well-Being Champion
Miss Hartley Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Sillito Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Yuill Learning Support Assistant/Staff Well-Being Champion
Miss Ward Learning Support Assistant
Miss Smith Learning Support Assistant
Miss Davies Learning Support Assistant (apprentice)
Miss Armin Learning Support Assistant (apprentice)
Mrs Meikle Learning Support Assistant (apprentice)


Non Teaching Staff Role
Mrs Hood Admin Manager
Mrs Brammer Admin Assistant
Mr Turnbull Premises Manager
Miss Dodd Cleaning Staff
Mrs Herd Cook
Mrs Roberts Kitchen Assistant/Cleaning Staff
Miss Lilley Kitchen Assistant/Cleaning Staff
Mrs Mace Lunchtime Supervisor KS1Staff
Miss Walton Lunchtime Supervisor KS1
Mrs Floyd Lunchtime Supervisor KS1
Miss Drysdale Lunchtime Supervisor KS1
Mrs Hogarth Lunchtime Supervisor LKS2/Kitchen Assistant
Mrs Armstrong Lunchtime Supervisor LKS2
Mrs Stranger Lunchtime Supervisor UKS2
Total number of staff: 44  
*Holds a role in more than one category  

In accordance with the Academies Financial Handbook the Trust must publish separate information relating to the number of employees whose benefits exceed 100k.  In the financial year 2019/2020 there was 1 employee within the Trust whose benefits exceeded 100k.

Pay exceeding £100,000 gross:
Finance – Tudhoe Learning Trust

Dene House Primary School is obligated to report certain information about Trade Union Representatives and their activity within the Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017, which took effect from 1 April 2017. These regulations were laid following the enactment of the Trade Union Act 2016.
We are required to report and publish information about:
• the number of trade union representatives in our organisation
• the time and percentage of hours spent on paid TU activity
• the amount spent on TU activity
• the percentage of paid time spent on TU activities
Dene House Primary School works hard to maintain a supportive and inclusive working environment within which employees are able to be part of a Trade Union and to take part in its activities if they wish.
School currently employs no trade union representatives. Therefore, the percentage of time spent on trade union activity equates to 0.00% in terms of the total pay bill cost.