Subjects & Overviews

At Dene House Primary School our learners are at the heart of all that we do. We strive to create a curriculum that fosters ambitious, confident, independent learners who have the confidence and curiosity to ask questions, solve problems and make informed choices.  If you would like to find out more about the curriculum we are following, please contact the Headteacher, Mr Blake, on 0191 586 2937 for further information.


Through our reading curriculum, we aim to develop our children into fluent, confident readers, who are able to talk confidently about their reading preferences and use reading as a vehicle to understand the world around them and their place within it.

Through our reading curriculum children will:

  • Develop their phonic knowledge so they can accurately decode words, using a consistent and progressive approach through EYFS and KS1
  • Develop fluency in reading and be able to read with accuracy, pace, tone and expression  
  • Develop a love of reading and individual preferences for books and authors
  • Be able to talk confidently about books and their opinion on what they have read
  • Develop and extend their vocabulary 
  • Develop a deep understanding of what they have read
  • Develop their understanding of the world through experiencing a wide range of different genres, story plots and authors
  • Be tracked, monitored and provided with intervention if they are at risk of falling behind
  • Encouraged to read beyond the school day 

More details on how we teach and promote reading are given in our Reading Policy, including details of the Read Write Inc Phonics programme used in school.


Long Term Planning
We organise our teaching of writing into half term blocks based on a particular purpose: Writing to Entertain, Writing to Inform, Writing to Persuade and Writing to Discuss.  Each class spends half of each term on writing to Entertain and then a second half term on another writing purpose.  An example plan is shown below:


Writing is either linked to our class novels or to topical/real life events e.g. leaflets to persuade people to recycle or discussion texts on whether a new housing development should be built. We also make as many opportunities as possible for children to apply their writing skills across the curriculum through subjects such as History, Geography and Science.

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