Miss Graver - Year 3/4 2023 - 2024

Miss Graver

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                      Miss Graver


    Mrs Digby


   Mrs Campbell

(School Counsellor / LSA)



 Welcome to the page of the amazingness that is Year 3/4! Keep reading to find out all about our learning journey throughout the year.

Let's recap on Spring Term! What did we get up to?


In English this term we have been both 'Writing to Inform' and 'Writing to Entertain' we have been reading 'How To Train Your Dragon' by Cressida Crowell. We have been discussing the characters, using prediction skills to discuss what might happen next and building on our retreval and inference knowledge among other skills in our Reading lessons. We have worked so hard to create our own Non-Chronological Reports all about Dragons! We discussed their diet, their habitat, their appearance and their personality and we worked so hard to include all of the key skills that we have been learning throughout this year. They turned out amazing! After this, we created our own setting description based on The Dragon's Nursery in the story. We made sure to use all of our senses when describing and really make our settings come to life! Miss Graver was so proud of all of our hard work!


In Maths, both Year 3 and 4 have been developing their Multiplication and Division skills using a variety of different methods. We have been builing upon skills that help us explain our reasoning and use problem solving skills to help us tackle questions that involve real life scenarios. Year 3 have been practising their measurement skills and being able to convert units of measurement accurately and Year 4 have been exploring graphs and discussing why they may be used.


In Spring Term, our Science Topics have been Rocks and Force and Magnets. We have been using all of the different enquiry approaches in our science lessons such as fair testing, observation over time and problem solving. We have been putting our scientist heads on to create fair tests and make predictions about the outcomes.


In History, we have been learning all about the Romans and what life was like for them. We have learnt all about Roman houses, Roman familiies and how a typical day would look for a Roman. We have blown Miss Graver away with our level of understanding and the questions that we have been asking!

In Georgraphy, we have been exploring Europe. We started off by discussing what we already known about Europe. We managed to come up with some great ideas and we knew the name of many countries in Europe. Week by week, we built upon that knowledge and were able to name rivers, moutains, use atlas' accurately and we even played a 'mystery location' game that lead us to Mount Vesuvius, the 'Gentle Mountain' that we know due to prior learning was a volcano in Naples that errupted and destroyed the whole city of Pompeii.

Overall, we had an amazing Spring Term and I am sure you are as excited as I am to see what we get up to in Summer Term. Bring it on!