Educate & Celebrate

At Dene House Primary School, we treat everyone Equally and Fairly regardless of…

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender
  • Gender Identity
  • Race & Nationality
  • Religion or Belief
  • Pregnancy
  • Marriage
  • Sexual Orientation

We believe that all pupils have an equal right to develop and achieve their potential. Our children are treated as individuals with their own abilities, difficulties, attitudes, backgrounds and experiences.

Educate and Celebrate

We are proud to announce that Dene House Primary School has been awarded Educate and Celebrate Silver Best Practice School Status.

We aim to ensure that our school continues to be LGBT friendly by creating a safe, inclusive environment for all staff, parents, children and governors.

‘The Educate & Celebrate initiative is innovative and visionary’ Ofsted, Jan 2016

Educate & Celebrate is an Ofsted and DFE recognised Best Practice Programme that gives staff, students, parents and governors the confidence and strategies to implement an LGBT+ Inclusive curriculum to successfully eradicate homophobia, biphobia and transphobia from our schools and communities.

Focusing on five core areas, the best practice programme invites teachers, students, parents and governors to partake in whole school change through training, policy, curriculum, community and environment giving opportunities to reflect upon their experiences.

Our aim is to ensure that educational establishments and organisations adhere to their statutory duty of LGBT+ Inclusion in an accessible, comprehensive and creative way by treating everyone equally and fairly according to the Equality Act 2010.

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